About Køge Business College

Køge Business College, or KBC, which the college is commonly known as, is a major regional educational institution with more than 200 employees and 1400 students.

Being international is part of our DNA

Køge Business College is located close to the city of Køge, on the south coast of Zealand, Denmark. We strive towards being the most attractive educational institution when it comes to mercantile education. Moreover, our primary mission is to educate students and give them the skills and qualifications to contribute to society and qualifying them to study further.

In addition, KBC is a college where subjects of study are, such as innovation, marketing, business economics and international business, moreover, subjects such as English, Danish and Mathematics are also part of the students’ education. 

Furthermore, KBCS has a close relationship with the local communities and businesses. Every single year, several local businesses employ trainees from KBC and give them the tools and knowledge on how to run a business. Also, KBC has multiple partnerships with local businesses; these partnerships help the students during their studies to give them a better understanding of how these businesses work in practice, and especially, in combination with the students’ own subjects, such as Business Economics, Marketing, English and other subjects. 


Part of being a business college is to give the students a chance to experience the world and see how other businesses around Europe work, and the culture differences when it comes to business communication and ethics.

Being international and focusing on internalization in class subjects is part of the curriculum of the daily classes and is an integral part of our DNA.

Erasmus+ stays

It has been a long-lasting tradition for KBC to send students on two- or three-weeks Erasmus+ stays, where the students get the opportunity to work in businesses and hereby get first-hand intercultural experience. These trips give the students a great insight into business culture and provide knowledge, which they can use in their studies back home. 

In addition, all classes and students are offered to go on a class study trip during their education at KBC. These study trips are often shorter than Erasmus+, but with the same purpose of gaining knowledge about other cultures and focusing on international business.

Class study trip

In addition, all classes and students are offered to go on a class study trip during their education at KBC.

These study trips are often shorter than Erasmus+, but with the same purpose of gaining knowledge about other cultures and focusing on international business.

VET Mobility Charter school

Since 2016, Køge Business College has been accredited as a VET Mobility Charter school by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. We will continue to work to strengthen the international vision of our college.

IVTA Erasmus+Mallorca

Køge Business College is a major regional Educational Institution, which develops educational programs on many levels in close collaboration with businesses.

KBCs International office

  • Gitte Dyrløv

    Underviser og International koordinator

  • Tina Biil Eriksen

    E.D. - International koordinator, læsevejleder og underviser (engelsk og tysk)

  • Inge Jakobsen

    Cand.mag. - International koordinator og underviser (engelsk og spansk)

  • Finn Arvid Olsson

    Politisk økonomisk stabschef